by ondrejsv
23. February 2013 17:38
AKA PowerToys for the Class Designer and Distributed System Designer is a set of useful extensions for the Visual Studio Class Designer delivered as two Visual Studio add-ins. Binaries for the Visual Studio 2010 can be found on the project home site together with sources. Unfortunately there is no version for the Visual Studio 2012 and getting sources compiled without errors for it is not a matter of simple CTRL+SHIFT+B.
So I did all heavy lifting for you and you can download binaries here.
DISCLAIMER: Please, remember that I am not author of the add-in, I take no responsibility for anything related to using it. I’m providing it as it is and all credits go to the original author lie.
In the zip file you find three assemblies and two XML files with AddIn extensions. Copy all files to any folder in which your Visual Studio looks for add-in, e.g. %APPDATA%\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\Addins (maybe you will have to create some of these folders). List of all folders where add-in files are being looked for is given in the Add-in Security in the VS Options:
Restart of Visual Studio is required. You can confirm loaded add-in in the Tools/Add-in Manager dialog:
then have fun with additional Class Designer commands: