We all know that that there are two main approaches to develop new “Metro” style applications in Windows 8: HTML5/JavaScript and .NET (predominantly C# and VB.NET) and one complementary approach (C++/XAML). What technologies did Microsoft choose to write demo applications coming in the Developer Preview?
Here’s a short list containing all applications packed up in the Windows 8 Developer Preview together with technologies they are build on and other comments.
So what would be a management summary? 29 applications, 5 of which are written in .NET/XAML, 2 probably in C++/XAML and the rest are HTML5/JS.
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9/15/2011 7:35:04 PM #
I was a Windows intern this summer. I can confirm Tube Rider and Copper are both written in C++, no xaml. We were the only 2 teams writing native apps.
Sergio Gonzalez |
9/15/2011 8:52:05 AM #
List of Windows 8 Metro applications in DevPreview You've been kicked (a good thing) - Trackback from DotNetKicks.com